Monday, December 31, 2012

Well hey there.... "It all started with a pop star."

          Hi everyone! Or shall I say "G'day mates!"? However the greeting, I am so excited to finally get to start posting on this blog. It is the beginning of a New Year and my departure date is getting closer! When I first started thinking about studying abroad one of the things that came into my head was how can I make this experience the best that it can be and get all that I can out of it. I hope and think that by keeping a blog of my experiences and travels, I can better remember and share what I am doing while in Australia.
    I think that I should start out by telling about how I first started thinking about studying abroad. My study abroad experience began in a very unusual way. It was something that may seem trivial and juvenile to some, but has blossomed and become an established idea and dream that is almost within reach. I was a junior at Chapman High School in the small town of Inman, SC when I happened upon a catchy song while clicking through YouTube pages. The artist was a young boy named Cody Simpson and he was singing the chorus of his single “iYiYi”, featuring Flo Rida. After hearing it, I talked about this song for weeks and it became my anthem with my friends. One day, while practicing with
marching band for a Christmas show at our city’s large theatre, I saw the name Cody Simpson flash up on the marquis. It was an advertisement for that year’s local radio station’s annual Christmas show. He would be playing there along with other big named artists. I, of course was extremely excited because I loved his song so much. I wanted to know more about this kid. I looked up his other songs on YouTube and his story. He had started singing at a very young age and was big in Australia. Coming from the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, he was trying to make a name for himself in the American market. My friend Jennie got all of our friends tickets for her birthday to see the show and I was even more excited, because it just seemed like it all was supposed to happen. After his performance at the Christmas show, I even got the chance to meet him. I met him with my friend Lauren, who became enthralled with him too. This, as juvenile as it may seem, is how I began to take interest in Australia and their culture. But, this was only the beginning.

          Australia began to show up everywhere in my life. I talked to this girl from Australia, also from the Gold Coast, and she shared with me things about their culture, like slang, different words and
meanings, and even products they have over there that we don’t have here. After talking to her, the thought of being able to experience all of these things for myself came into my head. With freshman year of college at the University of South Carolina quickly approaching, the thought of being able to experience these things for myself turned into the thought of studying abroad. I saw pictures of someone else who was studying abroad in Australia. That is when I looked at programs and talked with my advisor. The reality that I really do have the chance to experience all of these things began to appear and I made it my goal to see it through.

          I have always been the adventurous one of my family. Coming from a small town, many think that opportunities like study abroad aren’t available. I made it my mission to not let opportunities slip through my fingertips and to take everything thrown my way. I want to see the world and experience new cultures and exciting adventures. I have never been out of the country before and two years ago I flew in my first airplane. My dream of studying abroad is coming true in these next few months. Many would have laughed at me if I had told them about wanting to study abroad after meeting a pop star from Australia, but the fact that I have actually turned it into a reality means more to me than anything.
          I plan on trying to write on here everyday to help remember and share my experiences up to, while, and after I am abroad! I am getting really excited and I'm sure I'll share that as the day I leave gets closer and closer. Feel free to comment on anything and share! I also plan to include vlogs, pictures and other exciting things so make sure you check back! 

                                                                                                      Until next time,