Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Quick Trip to QUT and TOGA!

          I woke up kind of early. A lot earlier than I thought I was going to. There isn’t much to do when I get up without Internet, so I just wrote up some of my blog posts. I was tired again after that, so I just went back to sleep. I was really tired I knew that I had a long day ahead of me. The toga party was later
 on. I wanted though to get some stuff at QUT done before the week ended. Most of the places stay open until 5pm, so I was just going to get everything done right before then, go back to my place and then got o Urbanest to get ready to toga.  I had to go by the library to get this free copy of Cite Write, which is about citing sources correctly. I also wanted to get my free shirt that I forgot to get and my “diary”, which I think is what they call a planner. And I still had to sign in with the Study Abroad office so that they officially knew that I was there. I left kind of late from my house to get to QUT. Emily had texted me and said she was going to be on her way to Urbanest in a little bit. That is where everyone is meeting before the Toga party. I left my toga stuff in my room. Stupid idea. I got on the bus to the city near QUT. When the bus made its last stop at Queen Street Mall, I asked the bus driver if there were any other closer stop to QUT. He said that bus didn't go any closer, but he had 15 minutes to blow and he would take me there! So nice! I was the only person on the bus. It wouldn’t have cost me anything anyway, since I am not on free with my Go Card. After you touch on and off 9 times, in a week, the rest of the week is free. The driver took me to the QUT
stop and I got off. QUT is still kind of confusing and I was kind of just walking around looking for the buildings that I needed to go to. I knew kind of where I was going, but not really. I saw a bunch of people setting up stuff for the toga party later. I got my Cite Write book from the library and asked where the bookstore was. The librarian that helped me was the same one that helped Mandy and me when we printed that one-day. She was really nice. She thought I was a masters student, because she saw my last name! Haha. The bookstore was closing right when I got there, even though it wasn’t even 5 pm! Ugh. So I would have to try and get my free shirt on Monday. I went to what I thought was the Study Abroad office, but turned out to be the International Student Services office, and they directed me in the right direction. Of course, the Study Abroad office was close too! Once again, it wasn’t even 5 pm! I would have to come back Monday to get the rest of the stuff done. Ugh. I left quickly to go back to the house to get my stuff. I was running behind. I knew I should have brought it all with me. I didn’t know which bus stop to go to, so I just ran to get onto the ferry. I am kind of getting used to the transportation, but the busses are still a little bit confusing. If I had a smart phone, it would be so much easier! I could just look it up. On the Translink website, the transportation provider, there is a journey planner thing that tells you which stops to get on and off at. I got off the ferry and
 went to my house. I got the toga stuff really quickly and left to get back on the ferry to go to Urbanest. Angie had asked where I was going and I told her to the toga party. She said that should be fun! She goes to UQ and the toga party is a combination of UQ and QUT. I got to Urbanest and everyone else was already in toga mode. I went to the bathroom and put on mine. After a little while of hanging out and taking pictures and stuff, we left. We walked to QUT. We took some pictures on the bridge and stuff. When we got there, there wasn’t that many people there. It was kind of early. There was a bunch of free stuff from this group called Red Frogs, like water, Icee pops, and red frog gummies. I love me
some free stuff. The night sky was cool because the bats were flying around everywhere. It was creepy and scary, yet beautiful at the same time. After a while, people started to come in and there was A LOT OF PEOPLE! Everyone was dancing and there was a band that played and some DJ’s. There was like a dance group on stage and even fire twirlers on stage! Haha. Last year they broke the world record and this year we broke the world record again for the LARGEST TOGA PARTY IN THE WORLD! So fun! It was so cool to be a part of that! It was scary at some points though because some people were really drunk and emergency crews were pushing people through the crowds. That was scary. They were selling alcohol at the party. I was just weird that at a University event they were selling alcohol. It would be soooo weird if USC did that. Haha. Speaking of USC, they played Sandstorm like twice while we were there and we were all yelling “U-S-C! U-S-C!” It was amazing. We left near the end. It was hard to keep up with everyone and we all had to practically hold onto each
 other to keep together. A couple of us got lost from the group at some points, but we all finally caught up with each other. Actually the whole night was filled with people leaving and us not seeing them for the longest time, but by the end we were all in one group! Haha. We saw David from the desk on the way out. He had been there after he got off work, he said. Haha. They all walked back to Urbanest and Emily and me walked back to Toowong and Auchenflower. The toga party had ended kind of early, because there was an after party somewhere, but I wasn’t going to that. I got in the shower when I got back at my house and left to go to Emily’s. I got to finally use some Internet!! It felt so good! It was short lived though. I left and walked home. I was so tired. It had been a long day. On the way home I saw some kind of animal. At first I thought it was a cat, but the closer I got I saw it wasn’t. It was grey and furry and had a furry long black tail. I don’t know what it was, so I was like “I don’t know what you are, so I am just not going to walk near you.” It scurried up a tree nearby. It’s kind of scary not knowing what something is. When I got in my bed, I was out like a light.

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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