Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Laughing Koalas, Coles, and A-ayron's Birthday

          I slept in a little bit this morning. I was really tired and everything. I knew that I would have a long day. It felt so good to sleep in my own place. To know that I could come back there and I was sleeping in "my" room felt great! I really needed to get some food and stuff, so I texted Emily about
going to the Queen Street Mall. I got ready and met her at the ferry. We went to the mall. It wasn’t that bad looking of a day. It was actually kind of nice, with very few clouds. We went to the Reject Shop and I got a few things. I got some hangers and a trash can along with some other stuff. Emily got some stuff too. One of the things she got was detergent. When we were walking to another store, her bag broke and she had to find another one. Luckily the people in the Australian Geographic store gave her one for a small donation. That store was cool though. They had a bunch of Australian animal stuff and this koala and alligator that laughed and moved around on the floor. It was so funny. We left that store and went to the fabric store to get some stuff for the toga party. Emily and Mandy and them had gotten some stuff earlier in the week. I got some stuff. There were people everywhere getting toga stuff. Haha. I don’t know if I will look as legit as I did when we went to the ESA toga party, but it should still be fun. We left the mall for the ferry and it was raining so badly outside! The wind was whipping the rain
 sideways! Ugh. We saw this place called Irish Murphy’s and decided to go inside to see what they had there. It is like this pub place. Mandy had wanted to go there some time earlier on, but we never did. It was actually dry inside so we decided to stay a while. We looked at the menu and decided to split wedges. This has become a recurring theme. I feel like wedges, sour cream, and sweet chili is a big thing around here too. It’s really good though. Emily wanted to see if she could get a job maybe there. The waitress girl said to just bring a resume. I really want to get a job now. Now that I am paying rent and stuff it would be great to have a little extra money each week. Maybe not at that pub, but somewhere bagging groceries or something. Haha. It was not raining that much outside so we left. By the time we had gotten to the stoplight and were waiting on it to change, it had started to pour again! We finally ran to
the ferry and we were soaked! That is just my luck! Haha. We rode the ferry back to Toowong and went to Emily’s house. I left some of my stuff there because I was going to go do some grocery shopping. I left for Coles. Coles is different than our Kohl’s. Haha. Coles is a grocery store and is really big around here. They are everywhere. There is one in Toowong Village, which isn’t too far away from Emily and my house. I got a cart and walked each isle. I didn’t really know where everything was and there were so many different brands and stuff. It felt weird. I finally found most everything on my list I had made and went to the register. I wanted to spend right at a certain amount and I hit it right on the nose! So proud. These groceries should last me for a while. I had a lot of stuff to carry back. I pushed the buggy through the parking garage you have to cut through to get to Toowong Village. When I got to the end, I had to put some of the stuff in the backpack I carried with me, and the rest I carried on my arms. I got back to Emily’s and got the rest of my stuff. She has this rollie thing that you can put all your stuff in and just roll it back. She let me use it so that I could get my stuff back to my place easier. It really was easier. I felt like a Chinese lady at the flea market, but it was a lot easier than just carrying it all back by hand.
 When I got back home, I put all of my stuff away and then looked through all of my stuff I had gotten from QUT. I have a bunch of papers and magazines and pamphlets that I just stuffed in my bag and never looked at, so this was the time to look through some of it. Angie and Javier got home and I talked to them for a little bit. They had gotten the TV and some other stuff for the apartment. It is starting to feel homier. I texted Emily, because we were supposed to be going to Urbanest later. It is Aaron from Gold Coast’s birthday!!! Everyone was going out and stuff. I got ready and made a sandwich. After I ate, I left for Emily’s. We hung out at her place for a bit and then left for the ferry. We got off at the South Bank stop and walked to Urbanest. Everyone was already hanging out downstairs, so we joined in. everyone was having fun and everything. We went outside for a bit too. I met some more people. I met this girl
 from London, this girl from Holland, and some others. Before I knew it, we were leaving. We left to go to the Exchange. We all rode the bus this time, which is a lot quicker than walking. Haha. We had a lot of fun at the Exchange dancing and making Aaron have a great birthday! We left the Exchange and went across the street to the Victory. It is another club place. We were all having fun and everything, but it got really hot inside. Me and Emily went outside for some air. We were both ready to go, because we had a long walk home from the city to Toowong and Auchenflower, so we left a little early. It took a while but we finally got back to our neck of the woods. My house is before Emily’s so I told her to text me when she got home. I walked up to my place. I wish I already had the key to the door that just goes to my room. It is kind of like my own private entrance. Angie said she would get me the key soon. But I walked in the front door and laid in bed. Emily texted me when she got home. It felt great to finally have my won place to go after a night out. It felt a lot better than sleeping on a couch. Definitely.

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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