Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Markets, South Bank Beach, and Stir Fry

          I woke up early that morning because the light was really bright through the window. I looked
outside and it was a beautiful day! There were blue skies and the sun was beaming down. Now this was the Australia I had envisioned. I was meeting Emily at the ferry and we were going to go to the markets in West End. They have like fruits and vegetables and a bunch of other stuff that people sell. The others might be going to Gold Coast. I’m not sure if anyone went or even got up. No one ever texted me or anything. I got ready and walked to the ferry to meet Emily. I was wearing my tank top because it was such a beautiful day. I didn’t wear sunscreen or anything. I hope I don’t get burned! They call a tank top a “singlet” here. A little bit different than back home.  We rode the ferry to West End. We then had to take a bus from the ferry stop to get to the markets. That was a little bit of a challenge. There was another lady that was trying to find her way there to them as well. We all got on a bus. At one point the lady that was with us got up and asked the driver if we were near them. He said we had already passed the stop for them so we had to get off and walk back the other way. Oddly, the lady went the other
way. I don’t even know. Haha. We finally found the way there! We followed and asked some people. The markets were great! There was a bunch of fruits and vegetables. And they were pretty cheap too. I spent a little over $10 and got a bunch of fruits and vegetables. I got lettuce, mushrooms, bananas, broccoli, and some other stuff too! It kind of reminded me of home because of the flea market feel. There were “stalls” with foot scrub, sausages, and a whole bunch of different stuff. There also was this man selling beef and kangaroo jerky. We tried some, but it was the beef. Oh yeah, have I told you that I have started eating all kind of meat now. It is just too hard not too and it is less expensive if I eat some kinds of meat. Maybe one day… I also saw a yard sale too! That reminded me of home definitely because in the summer on every Fridays and Saturdays, there are yard sales
everywhere. It was pretty great to see one. I love deals! Its kind of weird how hot it is on good days. This is because back home they are getting snow and it’s the winter. Haha. I’ll enjoy the summer here and then go back home and enjoy some more summer! It’s crazy, but wonderful. I went to my house after we rode the ferry home and put my stuff away. I watched a little TV. It felt good because I’ve felt so cut off from the world and entertainment. I watched this show called Same Name. Mike Tyson from a small town in Michigan was trading lives with Mike Tyson the boxer. How funny. Angie and Javier were home. We saw our lizard on the deck. It is a big one. Javier said that he wants to be able to feed it. Haha. I guess it’s kind of like our pet because it’s been out there like everyday. Emily and I had decided earlier that we were going to go to the South Bank pool later on. I got ready and met Emily. It was still a beautiful day outside. Not a rain drop yet. I still don’t know if the others went to Gold Coast yet. Me and Emily might go the next day because we are still on free and the whole trip would be free for us. The sand sculptures will still be there so we can finally see those! When we got to the South
 Bank pool, it was sooooo crowded! There were so many people there because the day was so good and because school was out for the weekend. The South Bank pool is a man made beach in the middle of the city. It is rally cool because there is sand and everything. After getting in, we looked around because there had to just be someone there that we knew. Emily saw Tazzy and some others over on the beach. We all swam in the water, which felt so good on such a hot day. The sun kept going in and out, but I had put sunblock on when we got there
and I was glad I did. We left after a while there and rode the ferry back to Toowong. We both went to Coles (not Kohl’s) to get some stuff. I needed some soy sauce and stuff for my stir-fry I was making later and Emily needed some stuff as well. As we were leaving the mall, we were talking about the prices of stuff and everything. All of a sudden we heard this lady ask “Do you guys want some free doughnuts?” We were like “HECK YEAH!” Everything was closing. Everything closes early here, at like 5 o’clock. So we got a bunch of free doughnuts. The lady gave us like 2 bags full! Emily and I parted ways and I walked back to my place. No one was home. I was ready to cook my first real dinner here. I made a stir-fry. I put chicken, mushrooms, broccoli and rice together to make a delicious
 honey-soy stir-fry! And it was sooo good! I watched some TV while I ate my dinner. I watched this show called “The Cube”, which is kind of like “Minute to Win It”. The commercials are all different here. It is so funny to see the different accents. They will like have an American show, and then have the Australian commercials. Haha. I really kind of miss TV. I don’t need to let that distract me though! I really do need the Internet though. That would make a lot of things easier. We have a couch and a dining set and stuff now. They have been bringing it in truck I think. Angie said that we are getting a new couch too. Her brother has a Ute. Which is a type of vehicle that is really popular here. I have seen so
many of them. They are like cars on the front and then have a truck bed like attached on the back. So weird, but whatever. Haha. Anyways, he is going to help move the new couch and stuff. There wasn’t much on TV, so I started watching “Zoom”, which is the movie with Tim Allen in it where there are a bunch of kid superheroes. While I was watching that, Marcel, one half of the couple that is moving into the other room, started moving in. His wife wasn’t there, but he finally got most of his stuff moved in. I was really tired, so I went on to bed. I might sleep in a little bit, but I still want to go to the Gold Coast in the morning. Hopefully Emily and I will. If not tomorrow, I will definitely go back some time!

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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