Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Air Con, The Call, and Down Under

          I woke up to it still being rainy outside. I thought Australia was going to be beautiful, and although it has been, it really hasn’t put its face on yet. There is the river cruise thing happening later on. It is through the study abroad office. I don’t think I am going to go. It is too rainy and nasty. Plus, I
don’t really want to spend the money. Angie texted me about the place and said that another person was looking at the house and that she would get back to me later on in the day. I repacked my suitcases, because they were getting a little bit out of hand. I can’t wait to not live out of suitcases and be able to have my own space. I feel bad for Kyron, because he probably feels the same way. Their internet is weird at Urbanest and they can only use like so many megabytes or whatever. Kyron and I have use up most of his, so I am trying not to use any. I’ve turned my Wi-Fi off, but its getting pretty boring, plus I can’t post anything or talk to my family all that much. I was lying on Kyron’s bed when the room started to get pretty hot. The air conditioning is pretty weird too because it will just like turn off every once in a while. But this time, it was on and open, but not moving or anything. I heard the handyman outside and I asked him what was wrong with it. He showed me that by pressing this one button, you could make it move or make it stationary. Dummy me. I called the guy from the Toowong house and he didn’t answer. I guess he is still gone. I was going to try and just see that house before Angie called about the other one. It is cheaper and still in the same area. He said that he would be on holiday the last time that I called him. They say “holiday” here instead of vacation. I did use just a little bit of Internet when I Skyped my mom and dad. My dad also called my sister while we were on there. After I was through talking to them, I turned my Wi-Fi off. There wasn’t much to do in the room and I didn’t really know where I should go or if I should even leave because I have Kyron’s card, so I did the most logical thing; I took a nap. Afterwards, I took a shower and ate the rest of my Subway sub. Then I uploaded pictures on my computer from the Gold Coast and everything. I typed up some of my blogs. The way that I’ve
 been doing it is just writing little blurbs of what I did that day in like long lists and then typing them up later and elaborating. You’re probably reading this a lot later than when it happed. (I won’t spoil the ending) I’m behind on posting on the blog because things are still a little crazy because I’m still not really settled yet. Kyron had texted me and told me to bring Mandy his umbrella. I guess she was going on the River Cruise too. I didn’t know that. I brought the umbrella down and all the people that were going on the cruise were there. I would meet them later after the cruse at the Exchange, which is the club place. That is where everyone on the cruise is going afterwards. Emily is like the only one that didn’t go on the River Cruise either. We would both just meet them at the Exchange. I went back up to Kyron’s room and I was still waiting on the call from Angie about the place. She didn’t call at 7:30 like she said she was going to, so I was really nervous. I met Emily downstairs and we hung out with Tazzy and David, the guy who works at the front desk. He is from America, but has lived like everywhere. I kept looking at my phone, waiting on the call,
until finally she did! I got up from the table and left the room. She said that they had chosen me! She said though, that the girl that looked at it had offered more for the room and if I could do that then I could get it. I did. At this point I am just ready to move in and have my own place. We talked about a few other things and then I went back to tell everyone. They were all really excited too. Angie would send me her details later that night and I would transfer the money in the morning so that I could move in right away. After hanging out some more, I went upstairs and got ready to leave. I had tried to text Kyron to see if he was going to the Exchange or not. He said at that point he didn’t know. Emily called him and he said that yeah, he would go. I had his card, so it was difficult, because he needed it to get in and I did too. If we both went out and then left, we could get in. We met them at the Exchange and everyone had had a lot of fun on the River Cruse. There were a lot of internationals there, obviously because they all went on a Study Abroad function. It was really weird, because the Study Abroad heads were drinking
 at the bar along with others. Kind of awkward. Kyron left just a little bit after we got there. He got his card, so I didn’t know really how I was going to get back into his apartment at Urbanest. The Exchange was kind of dead and the lights were too bright, but we danced a little. I was going to leave a little bit early so that I could call Kyron before he went to sleep and have him let me in, but he had texted me and told me that he was going to sleep and no one was really ready to leave. We left the Exchange and went to this place called Down Under Bar. It was kind of gross and hot and nasty, but I guess it was kind of fun. Allie from Arizona, Emily, and I all left before the others and walked back to Urbanest. I couldn’t get back into Kyron’s room and Emily couldn’t get into Mandy’s room, where she was staying the night. Emily had Mandy’s room key, but we had to wait until Mandy got back so that we could let her into her room and Emily as well. Mandy got there and we went up to her room. She was with David and since I couldn’t get into Kyron’s David offered his couch for the night. Haha. I felt really bad though, kind of like a burden. That is why I want my own place. I went to sleep. I would wake up early before Kyron goes to work and get his card from him to get back into his room. 

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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