Sunday, March 3, 2013

Orientation and A Potential Home

          I woke up bright and early for orientation. Bright and early kind of describes the mornings here though. The sun comes up at like 5 am here. It’s crazy. They don’t have daylight savings time or anything. I woke up and got ready to go. I left and texted Aaron. We actually met in the elevator. He lives on the 10th floor and Kyron lives on the 9th floor, so I caught it going down. We walked to South
 Bank station and caught the bus to Kelvin Grove. We sat in the seats that say handicapped and priority seating. They flip up so a wheelchair can fit in it. This lady with a stroller got on and looked at this Asian lady sitting on the other side in the seats real mean. She mumbled something and the Asian lady got up. The lady with the stroller was hateful and rude. Me and Aaron just tried to avoid eye contact with her. Haha. We got off at the Kelvin Grove stop and it was still rainy and nasty outside. I always thought that the weather was going to be nice and stuff in Australia. It’s been so nasty and gross outside every day. I had to find Z block. That is where the Creative Industries building is. They pronounce it  “Zed Block” because the letter z is pronounces
“zed”. They also pronounce the letter h like “haych”. That’s different. Haha. I walked up a bunch of steps and down a big hill. There were these other people that were going to Z Block. I tried talking to them, but they were a little strange. This one girl had a hula-hoop on her arm. I don’t know what that was for. She carried it in the elevator and everything. I finally found the room that I was supposed to be in. Hula-hoop girl and her gang weren’t in my room. It was mostly full of first year students and people just starting at QUT. That is what the orientation is for. I felt really old. A lot of them just graduated high school and stuff. I was one of the only exchange students there. There was this other girl from like Sweden or something that was studying photography. There was one guy from Connecticut there named Spencer who was born in the US, but has permanently moved to Australia. He did all of high school there and is now starting Uni. They call it “Uni”, which is short for University. We would just say college, but that’s different here. They like to shorten words. Another example is air conditioning. They seriously say “Air con”. Most of the times people in America are just joking when they say it like that. Anyways, our instructors were nice. They were two girls who are on their last year at University. One even studied abroad in London last semester. We played icebreakers. What orientation would be complete without one? I’ve kind of gotten used to them. They’ve become a trademark of the college life. The instructors went through a lot of stuff like being responsible for your own education and stuff that I have already heard before. I did learn some stuff about programs at
QUT. There is this thing called Assignment Minder, where you sometimes will have to turn in assignments to. You take your papers to an Assignment Minder place on campus and they scan your assignment and get it sent to the professor. They said it was a better system than at other places. Sounds kind of complicated.  We left the room we were in and went on a tour of campus. Once again, it was pouring rain and stupid me didn’t have an umbrella or anything. I don’t know why I didn’t think to bring a rain jacket. After the wet tour of campus, I caught the bus back to Garden’s Point and met up with everyone. All of their stuff had been on that campus because they are all business majors and stuff. I had gotten some free stuff at the orientation on Kelvin Grove campus and it was soaked by this point. We walked around at some of the booths and stuff. The Student Guild is an organization on campus and drives a lot of campus life. They are throwing a huge toga party later in the week. It is at
the botanical gardens and people said that a lot of people from all over have come to it in the past. We bought tickets and afterwards learned that if we found Waldo in their magazine, we could have gotten free tickets. Mandy found it pretty quick and we all sent emails in to the email account telling where it was. None of us got the tickets though. Apparently 20 people had already gotten it. We met up with a couple of other exchange people and went to our orientation for Study Abroad and Exchange. There were like 275 people in this huge auditorium. It is crazy that that many people came to QUT to study! There were so many different countries and everything. At the beginning of the orientation though, the lady called out everyone’s country and people cheered when their country was called. We were last and we all stood up and yelled and stuff. Haha. We were on the front row too. There were a lot of speakers there, talking about living here in Brisbane and things that would be going on throughout the semester. There was this one group that was giving away free day trips to places. I really want to be able to travel and have it also be semi-affordable. I didn’t win anything though. The Study Abroad people gave away prizes too, but of course I didn’t win any of those either. That is just my
luck. It was good to put the faces to the names of people in the Study Abroad office that have emailed us and stuff. There was this police officer that was really funny with her presentation. At one point she was talking about screaming and she said, “You can’t scream like the girls in those horrible American movies,” or something like that, and the whole auditorium erupted in applause. They were clapping against us. This goes to show how America is viewed in other countries. Bad relations? Humm… Later, the buddy group leaders came out. We are all paired up with a buddy. They are either volunteers or have studied abroad in the past. My buddy is Josh, who we went to the Gold Coast with! How random! But he wasn’t there that day. We all got in our groups though and Allie from Arizona, and Teemu from Ireland are in my group. Group I! Yeah! After we all talked and got the free little kangaroos and koalas, we went to get food. We waited in the rain in a line for a while, only to find out that we had to have a ticket to get the free food. We had to go and find a ticket. Finally Allie did and we ate. It was really good. It was still pouring down rain, but I had put on a poncho that they gave me in one of my freebie bags. Haha. At least I could be semi dry. It wasn’t a good day to wear my Sperry’s. They were soaked! There was a concert going on outside too, but it was too rainy to stay.
There apparently were people from the X Factor and Australia’s Got Talent that were there performing. After we walked back to Urbanest, I changed out of my wet clothes and looked at all of the stuff that I got. By the time we got done changing and stuff, it was time to go and see that place in Auchenflower. We took a wrong bus and it took a little longer than it should have, but me and Kyron finally found the place. That is where a smart phone would come in handy again. Everyone else was at Amici’s getting the $5 pizzas, but we would meet them there. The house we saw was so nice! It is a couple, Angie and Javier that just move in earlier that day. Kyron had called them just a couple of hours after they put up the add on the search engine called Gumtree. It is where people post adds and stuff, kind of like Craig’s List. The room was nice there and everything was wonderful. I didn’t like that the bills weren’t included, but I would be willing to pay extra because it was so good. There was a huge deck too that overlooked the river and the city. I really hope that I get this one. There are two rooms up for grabs and there were like 4 people there looking. We were all guys and she was a little bit overwhelmed. Haha. I hope she likes me and chooses me though. She said that she would call the next day with an answer. After seeing the house, we went to the pizza place. Everyone else had already ate and stuff so I didn’t eat anything. I still had the other half of my sub back at Urbanest if I was hungry. We all walked back to Urbanest and hung out downstairs. It was so much fun! I’m really starting to love these people! Haha! Aaron’s birthday is coming up and we are planning something big for it. It’s going to be good! Kyron left early to go upstairs because he had work in the morning. I went up stairs with him so that I could go back downstairs with his card, so I could get up to the room later. Woosh. After hanging out and everything some more, I went upstairs and went to sleep. It had been a really long day. 

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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