Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Keys, Quest, and Moving In

          I woke up early because I was meeting Kryon before he left for work to get his card. I didn’t sleep all that well. The sun comes up at like 5 am, so it wasn’t a good nights sleep. Kyron texted me and asked if I was up. I told him I would meet him downstairs. Angie texted me and asked if I had transferred the money yet. She wanted to tell everyone else that wanted the room that it was gone. I would have to wait until I could get to my computer and the Internet. I met Kyron downstairs and got his card so that I could get into his room. I met Emily downstairs, because she had slept at Mandy’s. She had left some stuff in Kyron’s room from the night before so we went upstairs and she got it. She left and I Skyped me mom and dad. It was still early there. Only like 5 pm. They were excited to hear that I was getting a place finally. I transferred the money and told Angie that I did after I got done talking to them. She said to meet at 10:30 to pick up the keys. I took a nap because I was really tired. After I woke up, I showered and left to go pick up the keys. I actually made it okay to the bus station and to the house. It was kind of like fate because I usually don’t have good luck with transportation. I walked from the bus stop and up the huge hill to the house. She later told me that there was an easier
 way to get to the house. There is an entrance form the main road where I don’t have to walk up that huge hill. Angie was a little late because she was getting the keys done and she said it was pretty busy at the key cutting place. She pulled into the garage and was still so nice. She really is your typical Australian. She says mate all the time! She said it in our texts and when she pulled in. Such a good greeting. “Hey there mate!” She also only had like four things in the pantry and one of them was Vegemite. I tried that like on the first day that I got here and it wasn’t that bad. It just tasted really strong like soy sauce. Angie also says “geh-redge”, instead of garage like we say it. I guess that’s how you would spell it. Angie gave me the keys and she was doing an inspection on the place. I told her that if there was anything I could do to help, I would. They are still moving in. There really isn’t a lot in the house like furniture wise. Just my room has stuff and then there are boxes everywhere. I left my place (that felt good) and walked to Emily’s house. She doesn’t live too far away! Exciting! We waited on Mandy to text us when her and some of our other friends were getting on the ferry. We were going to go to The University of Queensland to sign up for some clubs. While we were waiting, I got to see Emily’s magpies she was talking about. Magpies are a type of bird here. We don’t have them back home. They are everywhere. Apparently these come into her house and they feed them. I got to see them. That was funny. Mandy texted us and we caught the ferry to UQ. It was their Market Day,
 meaning like there are tents everywhere and you can sign up for stuff. I believe they call them “stalls” instead of tents. UQ is where I originally applied, but there were only like 2 spots and I didn’t get one. The campus is more like a real college campus back home. It is a lot like USC and historic looking and stuff. I guess it is kind of good that I didn’t get in because I can have that experience anytime at USC with the campus, but with QUT, I can’t get that kind of experience at USC. QUT is definitely a lot different. Allie from Arizona, Mark from Ireland, Mandy, Emily, and I went. We signed up for this group called Quest. It is a group where you can go on trips and get deals and discounts at certain places. It was only $5 to sign up, so I did. Even though it is a UQ club, we could sign up. There were a lot of people there! It got me excited for the year to come and all that was going to happen. We left UQ and rode the ferry to Queen Street Mall. We got Pie Face again. It really is good and on the cheaper end of things. I got a spinach roll this time. It was really good. The girls wanted to shop. Emily was going to help me move later so I stayed with them, but Mark left and went back to his place. The girls wanted shoes (surprise). Emily found her and pair and we left Allie and Mandy. We rode the ferry back to Urbanest to get my stuff to take it to my new place. I already had most of my
bags packed and stuff, so we just took them downstairs. I still hadn’t gotten my ANZ debit card or anything, so we asked David at the front desk if there was anything down there for me. It hadn’t come to Kyron’s box, so maybe it was behind the desk. He had a huge stack of mail for that day that we looked through. No luck. Then there was the return to sender box. There was a lot of mail in that too! We looked through and, thank the Lord, they were there. I had like 5 things! I guess because I had called and told them to send a second card, thinking that the first one didn’t get there. But, I got it all. We were down there for so long that Allie and Mandy made it back to Urbanest. Mandy said that she might come over later. Me and Emily walked to the bus station. I had a lot of stuff and it was hard for us to carry it all around everywhere. We rode the bus to the Cultural Center. At first, we had gone to the wrong platform. I went to the one that I had gone to before, but apparently they run at different times on different platforms. So we lugged all of my stuff up the elevator and down to the other platform. Finally, we made it to Auchenflower. We then had to take all my stuff up and down the stairs and to my place. We got it all there and Emily saw the place. She was a really big help! I don’t think that I could have done all of that without her
helping me. I unpacked most of my stuff and made a list of things that I needed to buy. I need to clean stuff and need to get some food. That way I can save some money in the eating department. Mandy texted me and said that her and Kyron were going to come over. They texted me when they got here and I met them downstairs. I took them up the easy way. Haha. I showed them the place and the big deck and everything. Kyron had seen some of it before when we saw the place the first time, but he got to see everything this time. I brought up the idea that we meet Emily in Toowong Village, a place with food and stuff close to here, to eat some dinner. We walked there and met Emily. It was the first time that we all have really been to places near where Emily, and now I, live. We looked for somewhere to eat and finally decided on eating at this Kabab shop. Once again, a Kebab is like what we call a Gyro. Mandy had a time with the Kabab guy. Haha. I don’t think she liked him too much. When we left we saw this place called the Royal Exchange. It is like a club place. There was a toga party going on there. There were people in togas everywhere. We are going to a toga party later on in the week. It is going to be epic! When we walked by, we saw Jeff. He is from South Carolina, but doesn’t go to USC. I think he goes to somewhere in Pennsylvania. Kyron and Mandy took the ferry back to Southbank, Emily walked back to her place and, I walked back to my place. It feels great that we are all officially settled down. I took a shower. It is a lot bigger than the showers at Urbanest. In the ones at Urbanest, I could turn around and turn off
the water! Angie told me that we might not get Internet for another 10 to 21 days! That is going to not be a good time. She needs Internet too because she goes to UQ. I guess it will be one less bill for a while though. It is still so weird about the Internet usage here and how they are limited to gigabytes and stuff. We are getting unlimited Internet here, so that wont be an issue. I went to sleep a little bit early, this time not with the thought of where I was going to live for the next 5 months, but of a place where I could get free Wi-Fi. 

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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