Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ice Cream, Emily's House, and Orientation Jitters

          I had to wake up early because check out was at 10 am. We had to clean the place up a bit, take out the trash and pack all of our things before we left. We put all of our stuff in Josh’s car and checked out. Josh was a little bit worried because there was supposed to only be 4 people in the condo thing, but there were 6 of us. We just didn’t walk through the lobby. Haha. After we were all checked out and Josh parked his car, we went to eat breakfast at this pancake place. It was really good and I got a stack of pancakes with ice cream on them! Can I repeat; Ice cream on them!! It was really good! Josh said that it was kind of a regular thing around here. I had never heard of it but I love it. I was unsure about it at first and the guy behind the counter looked at me weird when I said “So, its like real ice cream?” Haha. It was still too rainy to go see the sand sculptures, so we just decided we would head back to Brisbane. Josh dropped us off at the train station. We thanked him and everything. It was a really great time and it was a great first time in the Gold Coast, despite the weather.
 We were a little bit worried that we might miss the train, but we luckily got there right on time. I was so tired, so I took a nap on the train. I think all of us did at some point on the journey home. Emily stayed on the train when we got back to South Bank. She was going to ride it back to Toowong, closer to where she lives. I changed into some comfy clothes and took a long nap. It felt so good. There was some kind of welcome thing going on on campus, but we didn’t go. I woke up to Mandy asking if I wanted to go with them to get food and go see Emily’s house. Mandy and Kyron had gone somewhere. I got ready and we headed downstairs. We saw Tazzy and invited her to go with us to Subway. She came and we got subs. I got this seafood sensation. I don’t know if I have ever seen that at our Subway. It was one of the $7 foot longs and had crab and stuff on it. It was really good. I only ate one haft, because the other could be a meal for another day. Tazzy left us and we went to Toowong on the Ferry. Emily met us at the ferry stop and walked us to her house. She showed us everything in her front yard and in her 
backyard. Haha. The story around that is that when she moved in, she kept being like there’s a shopping center in my front yard, or there’s a gym in my backyard. And we were like, dang, everything’s either in your front yard or backyard! Haha. Pretty funny though. There really was a lot of stuff around where she lives. Her house is very nice and cute. She lives with some older people, but that is going to be the case with most share houses.  We saw a spider hanging from a tree in the backyard. It was nighttime and kind of scary. Emily got her spray and Kyron sprayed it. It fell and we think it was dying. One of Emily’s roommates was like “Don’t kill it. That’s my friend. It kills all the insects.” Oops. We went and hung out in Emily’s room. It was nice too. Emily showed us the video of a Magpie, a type of bird here, which went into their house. She calls it their pet. It just walked in and let them feed it. I can’t wait to have a place of my own. I know it will come soon. I’ve been looking at all these places, but nothing has really been right. Kyron told me about a place in Auchenflower, which isn’t too far away, that he called and looks promising. We are going to see it after all of the orientation stuff the next day. We took the ferry back to Urbanest and there was a bunch of people hanging out outside, as always. It was cool because we met a guy form Saudi Arabia, another person from Brisbane, and some others. On the way back up to the room, Kyron went to Aaron’s room, and I went to change and stuff. I met Kyron and Aaron in Aaron’s room. We talked and hung out. I learned that Aaron would have to go to the Kelvin Grove campus the next day for his orientation too. That is where mine is. I have never been to that campus. I have only been to the Gardens Point Campus. I will be having some classes at both, so I have to get used to both of them. Aaron is going for Education and I
 am going for Creative Industries. Those are both like courses here. It means the same thing as major does back home. Advertising kind of fits into Creative industries. That is where journalism and stuff is here. Aaron and I are going to ride the shuttle bus over to Kelvin Grove in the morning. We left Aaron’s room, because we had to be up early the next day, and we went back to Kyron’s apartment. I went right to sleep because orientation would come early in the morning.

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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