Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kebabs, Ted, and the Superbowl

          That night, I woke up like 5 times. I woke up at like 3 am here and had to make myself go to sleep.  I then woke up at 10 am our time here. Kyron was up so I finally called my mom and dad and let them know that I made it okay and everything. I Skyped them and then Skyped my Nana. It was good to see them and technology is so great to allow for that. I tried calling my sister but she wouldn’t answer her phone. It was probably because it was from a number she didn’t recognize and she doesn’t usually answer those calls. I am usually the one that answers those because she is too scared. I was calling from Kyron’s computer. The Gmail account lets you call to the US for free. So cool. I got ready and me, Kyron, and Mandy walked to West End to meet Emily at Sophia’s house. We got a Kebab, which is kind of like a wrap or a Gyro. That is what Josh got the night before for cheaper than they ate at the Greek restaurant. It started raining on the way and we got really wet. The weather is a little bit like Columbia, in the fact that you can’t really predict what it is going to do and it will rain at any time. When we got to
Sophia’s house, she immediately asked if we wanted coffee or tea or anything. They do that a lot around here. Coffee and tea are really big. I had hot black tea with sugar and milk in it. Sophia had a frother thing that made the milk like light and fluffy. The tea was actually really good. We watched the movie Ted. It was funny and I hadn’t seen it before. We couldn’t play the DVD Emily had, because the encoding was different. So DVD’s from America wont play in Australian devices. During the movie we discovered a rat in the house. It ran under the fridge and Kyron like jumped up on the couch. Haha. They had tried to get it out before. Sophia had told us about a time that her and her friends were just sitting in the living 
room and a possum came waltzing through and out the back patio. She said that’s kind of a regular thing around there. After the movie, we went to see a house with Emily. The house was kind of dirty but the guy was nice. I don’t think that I would have wanted to live there. Sophia and Emily left us near the ferry and we parted ways. Kyron, Mandy, and I rode to the city on a ferry. We ate at place called Pie Face. They were like meat pies with faces drawn on them. It actually wasn’t that expensive. I got a chicken curry pie. It was pretty good. After that, we walked around the city and saw some sights. One of them was a man peeing on big tree. We also saw a bunch of business people. That part
 of the city was very business-like. It also had a lot of bars and such that were busy too. We had kept seeing all of these people with backpacks and stuff on and balloons tied above them running around. We asked one couple and they said that they were in a race. They were racing around the city trying to find checkpoints and stuff. That looked so fun! I probably couldn’t do it because I barely know the city! Haha. We rode back to Urbanest on the ferry. This time we took the CityHopper. It was a free ferry ride back to where we stay! Back at Urbanest we watched T.V. downstairs. The T.V. has Internet and you can watch YouTube videos on it. We watched Beyoncé’s Superbowl performance, Beyoncé’s National Anthem at the Inauguration, Alicia keys at the Superbowl, and then Whitney Houston singing the Nation Anthem. There was a guy sitting in the room with us and his name was Aaron. He is from the Gold Coast and studying at QUT. We felt bad watching all of our American stuff, so we played the 
Australian National Anthem, which he said sucked, but sounded like a gospel track. After all of the fun and sightseeing that day, I was ready when I went to sleep.

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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