Friday, February 22, 2013

Suntrust, House Hunting, and Subs

          I woke up at 6 o’clock am and there was no answer from my mom about he wire transfer. Either she hadn’t gotten home or she just wasn’t checking Facebook. I kept going back to sleep and waking up, trying to see if she would reply, but she never did. Kyron woke me up and he was going to work.
 He wanted to make sure I went into his room so that way it wasn’t awkward for people coming in the kitchen. Totally understandable, since I’m sleeping with sheets on the couch in their common room. I had fallen back asleep and Kyron made sure I went to his room. I woke up and it was about 8 am. My mom finally answered the phone and we Skyped. It was 5 pm her time and her and my dad had just gotten home. She said she did the wire transfer, but the woman at Suntrust was a little bit iffy on it. I told her that I am going to have to call them up and let them know how much they have messed up my beginning time over here. They gave me so many different answers and were so difficult! She didn’t
know when the money would get to me and I looked in my ANZ account and there wasn’t any money yet. ANZ said it depended on the sender, for when I would get it. They are just the receiver. My mom called Suntrust and the wire office had already closed. My luck. So now I have to call Suntrust at 11:30 p.m. again. After I got all of that sorted out (not), I wrote some of my blog posts that I’ve ben slacking on and looked at some more houses. I called one house that looked great. It was the right price, right look, right location, but they wanted a female. I’ve seen that a lot. A lot of places are only looking for females. It’s so frustrating! But, I had some tea and some crackers and took a shower, and I felt a little better. I still feel a little bit under the weather in my throat and ear, but hopefully things start to turn up soon. I looked up
 the address of the place I am going to see and tried to see how I could get there. I don’t want to get lost. I found my map and left to start walking towards there. I let Kyron know that I was leaving and asked him where he was at, because I have his key to get into Urbanest and his room. He let me keep it in case I left and stuff. He was at Queen Street Mall. He said that the traffic was pretty bad because it was during the peak hours here when he got of work. He has a paid internship in a suburb called Indooroopilly at Triple-P America. I was hoping to try and find an internship somewhere here for a couple of weeks just for experience and such, but without a house, that might be hard. I walked close to where I knew where the house would be around, so that I will have some sort of recognition of where to go when I go to see the house.  Then Kyron said he was on his way back to Urbanest and I turned around. I told
Kyron about all my troubles I’ve been having with the money and stuff and we went to get Subway. Instead of $5 foot longs, there are $7 foot longs. Seems a little crazy right? There are also Subways like everywhere around here! They are literally on every corner from what I’ve seen so far. I’m saving half my sub for tomorrow so that I can eat it before I leave to go see the house. Eating that sub sure did make me miss Beezers though. I would love some turkey, alfalfa sprouts, oil, and vinegar. YUM! But, Beezers will have to wait. Me and Kyron hung out for a little bit. We had a hard time putting pictures from my computer onto his, but we finally figured it out. I didn't call Suntrust at 11:30 pm because I couldn't get the Gmail thing to work. I would just wait until the morning to see what my mom said and if the money was in there. 

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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