Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gold Coast Kind of Weekend

          I woke up around like 7:30 am because we were meeting Emily and Mandy downstairs at 8:30. I still had to finish packing and get ready too. I checked my email and everything. I got some bad news. I 
didn’t get the PC position in Preston. I didn’t even get an RM offer for any building. That made me really sad. I started to wonder what I did wrong and everything. I feel like I was really involved, energetic, and professional enough for the position. The email said that if someone pulls out, I might get an offer down the road. There is a very slim chance there though. It just wasn’t in the plans for me. I know that there is a reason though. There’s a reason for me not getting the position. I maybe won’t know or find out right now, but I might see the reason later on. Allison has been looking at apartments around Columbia, like Stadium suites and stuff. I’m really glad though that I can stay with her and our other friends. I’m excited about that too! Its very bitter sweet though, because I could have saved so much money and been more involved as well. I need to get in touch with Allison. I didn’t want to let that ruin my day, so I just went on and got ready. Kyron woke up and got ready too. We went with Mandy and Emily to get breakfast. It took us a while but the place we found was really good. It was really inexpensive as well. I got this thing called an apple scroll. It
 was like a cinnamon roll, but huge and had apples in it. It was cheap too! We left for the train station, which is right beside the bus station at South Bank. The train we needed to take was there and leaving. We had to run to go catch it. We caught it though. It was a train straight to the Gold Coast. The ride there was fun. We all talked and there was even Wi-Fi in the carriage we were in. I, of course, didn’t bring my phone or my computer or anything to connect to Internet. All I had was my camera and my crappy phone. The train was a little bumpy though and I got a little bit trippy with my carsickness feelings. I remember I used to get sick all the time when I was little. We saw a bunch of rural places on the way. There were even cows and horses and stuff! The ride didn’t take long though. It only took like an hour to get to the Gold Coast. Everyone’s ride there was free except mine because I hadn’t used 
mine 9 times yet this week. L Once you use your Go Card 9 times, the rest that week are free. But, it was only like 5 dollars to get there, so still it wasn’t that bad. Josh met us at the train station and took us to the hotel. He had actually won the free stay there as some kind of prize. That’s pretty cool. The weather outside was not though. And by not cool, I don’t mean was hot, I mean was still rainy and nasty. It was trying to clear up though. We could see Surfer’s Paradise in the distance. It was such a beautiful skyline with all of the buildings. That is where a sand sculpture competition was going on. It looked like it was supposed to be like one of the competitions you see on TLC or something. We really wanted to go see them, but the weather just seemed too nasty. We met Josh’s friends Anthony and Marina, who were
 staying there too. They are both Aussie and really nice. The weather clear up for a bit and we changed into our bathing suits. We went and ate at a place called Nando’s. I didn’t eat anything because I wasn’t that hungry, but I was really thirsty, so I drank water there. That is a cool thing about everywhere. Almost everywhere has self-serve water. It is like a big glass bottle filled with water and you can just bring it to your table. After lunch, we walked to the beach, which was right there, and swam in the ocean. The water was so beautiful and turquoise! It was so clear. The waves were kind of rough, but I didn’t think the current was as bad as Myrtle Beach or anything. The others seemed to think so. There were rocks along a peninsula that was ticking out near
where we were swimming and the waves were crashing up against them. It was really nice. There were also a lot of people surfing on the other side of the peninsula. We threw the Rugby ball in the ocean. They call AFL here, which is Australian Football League. We saw some fish in the ocean swimming past us. I don’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I do know that I think I saw a big jellyfish in one of the waves. That was a little worrisome, but it could have just been my imagination. The small jellyfish are the ones that you have to be scared of. They said that those aren’t really in our area here and are more up the coast too. We got out of the rough waves and went back to the hotel swimming pool. It was fun taking pictures with Emily’s underwater camera and chilling and talking in the Jacuzzi. 
They call it a spa. After getting out and changing into dry clothes, we went shopping around the shopping center. There was this place called a Dollar Tree, but everything wasn’t a dollar. They did have some cute souvenirs there. We went to eat dinner at this place that was kind of like a beach club thing. We had to sign in and everything. The food was good. I had wedges. There is a large distinction between their potatoes here. Fries are like skinny and like at McDonalds. Chips are like what we would call French fries. And then wedges are bigger chunks of potatoes. They had to keep correcting us calling what they call chips, fries. There was a horse race on television that everyone was watching. Apparently this one horse was very good and popular. After we got done, we went back to the house and just hung out. Anthony’s girlfriend Marina had left so it was just the 4 Americans and the 2 Aussies. We played the game spoons, which got eventful and just chilled out for the night. It was a really great time and some amazing views to beat. We went to bed pretty late. Once again I was on the couch, but I’m kind of used to it and it wasn’t even that bad. I had to set an alarm, because check out time was at 10 o’clock in the morning. 

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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