Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Printing, House Stealing, and Cricket

         I woke up around 7 o’clock and called my mom and dad on Skype. Something was wrong with their computer’s camera and I could see them, but they could see me. My mom had gone to Suntrust and they said that my money had gone through, so I checked my ANZ account and it was there! Hallelujah! All I need now is my debit card from ANZ. I talked with my mom and dad for a bit. I then called and confirmed my appointment to see that house I was supposed to see on Monday. After that I went into Kyron’s room and searched for some more places. I really hope the one I see will be the right fit and I can get it! Mandy and the others had been talking about going to see this cricket game at a stadium near us. Josh, an Aussie who studied abroad at USC, told us that we should go because it is the 
last game of the season. Mandy and I didn’t have any way of printing our tickets off. I looked and my debit card from ANZ didn’t come in the mail, so I would have to use my Suntrust debit card. When Mandy and I were going to find a place to print, it started raining, so we postponed it a little bit. I got to watch some of one of my shows! I do kind of miss T.V., but I don’t need to be stuck on that! I need to take in everything around me! I ate the rest of my sub for lunch that I had gotten the day before. We left about an hour later and walked to QUT. We had a tough time even finding the library, but finally we did. The librarian was very nice and showed us how to use everything. It is pretty much like at USC. We found out that there is a $2 charge on all of our QUT cards that you have to pay off before you can put money on to print. The librarian lady didn’t even know what that was until we found out from a man at the printing desk! So sneaky! But, we finally got all of our tickets and printed them off. After that, we had to walk to go see that house. We were cutting it close and I was worried we were going to get there late, but we were actually super early. There was this other girl that walked up and
 she was also looking at the room. She was from the UK and had been in Australia for 7 months. She was looking for a new place though. She was very nice and bubbly, a little too much at times, but that’s okay. When the agent girl got there, she showed us the room and the entire house. It was okay, and I could make it my own, But, that Rosannah girl, the other one looking a the room, was running around everywhere and asking all of these questions about the house and the housemates. I guess I’m a little more subdued and professional than that. We ran into this one guy who was staying there who said he really liked the place. That Rosannah girl was like, “Where can I apply!?!?!?!”. And the girl who showed us the room, who didn’t really know anything about anything, said we could apply online or at their office. Rosannah was like “So if I go to the office, I’ll have a better chance of getting it??!?!?”. The girl said it was basically first come, first serve. Rosannah had a car and was like “I’m going there.” There was no way I could beat her there. Rosannah only wanted to stay there because her boyfriend, from Canada, was staying in a house right behind that one!  I hope they live
happily ever after… Anyways, I tried to call and put a hold on it and I couldn’t, so I went back to the room and filled out an application online for the house. Maybe I could beat her to it and they would give it to me. I guess we’ll find out. I called a couple of other places. One wasn’t available anymore. The other I made an appointment to go see at 2 pm the next day. I really hope it all works out! Kyron hadn’t gotten back from work yet, so Mandy, Emily, and I went to the bus station to go the stadium for the cricket game. Kyron would just meet us there. We all had tickets from different sections, so we had to just pick some seats to call our own and hope no one would make us move. We got some free chips and a poster before the game too! Love me some free stuff! The stadium was packed by the time the game started. It was West Indies versus Australia. There were these weird dancers that danced every time something good happened and this fire that came up. Kyron eventually got there and the people around us were explaining the game of cricket to us. It was pretty cool after you actually understand it. The game wasn’t the most exciting part though. The people in our section had to be the craziest ones there. The game was all about drinking and having fun. People were buying beer and stuff everywhere and just chugging them when people started yelling “Skull! Skull! Skull!”, which was like “Take it to the skull!” People were also getting thrown out right and left, for fighting, being too drunk, and also some we didn’t even know why they were thrown out. There was
 this guy beside Mandy who was what they would call Bogan, which is Australian white trash. He was drinking some kind of hard liquor too. He eventually got thrown out too though. The game was pretty cool and probably something I’ll never get to experience again! We came back to Urbanest, on a free shuttle which was great, and all hung out outside. Our friend David, who works at the front desk and is from the states, wanted to arm wrestle the girl from Tasmania, Lilo, who we’ve dubbed Tazzy. They did and, despite everyone betting against him, David won. All in all, it was a really great night. Now I just hope my housing situation clears up soon and I can officially get settled in.

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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