Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Late Bus, Drug House, and Sausages

          I woke up and got ready because I am seeing a house at 3:30 pm. Kyron left to go to the mall with Aaron. Have I already told you about how we call him A-ayron? When we first met him, we watched this video on YouTube about a black teacher who was substituting and saying kids names 
wrong. When he said Aaron he pronounced it weirdly, with both A’s and then ron. Haha. So Kyron started calling him that and it has kind of just stuck. Kyron said he would try to come back to see house with me at 3:30 when he got done. I called all of the places that I saw that I liked and that were really nice and the right price, but none of them were available! L I still haven’t heard back about PC/RM. I hope I hear about that soon and I hope its good news. I was on Facebook when I got a message from Josh, who studied abroad at USC last semester and we met. He said that he wanted us to come down to the Gold Coast with him, because he had a hotel condo place for the weekend and some of his friends bailed on him last minute. Heck yeah! Gold Coast is where Cody Simpson is from. Haha. By the way. Mandy and I wanted to leave that night so that we could have the whole weekend, but we would be cutting it close. Mandy went with me to see the house. It was raining and cruddy outside. We were late because the bus was like ten minutes late. I thought the public transportation was so reliable? I guess sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t. Haha. But that’s just my luck. When we got to the house, the agent had already left but the door was open and the people there said we could go look at the room. There was a creepy kind of old guy siting on the couch that said he was getting evicted because he was one week behind on rent. Kind of weird. But there was a guy cleaning the room that I was supposed to look at. He lived in the room and was moving out. He told us a lot of stuff and answered my questions. He told us some bad stuff too about the place, like how there was a drug dealer who used to live there and how he could always smell drugs and stuff. That’s kind of scary. But of all of the ones I looked at, I could maybe live in that one. The price was definitely right, but there just wasn’t Internet. He said that that would have to be hooked up again or something. Mandy and I left and rode the bus to Queen Street Mall. It was a pretty long ride from where we were to the mall and it only cost 70 cents! That was pretty exciting. I got money out of my ANZ account so that I could have money while in Gold Coast. I still haven’t gotten my debit card, even after calling. I think it might be because Kyron’s name is on this room and they just aren’t putting it in his box. I don’t know, but I really need that. I still had some American money in my wallet, which is useless here, so I exchanged the rest of that. Once again, I lost money by having to do that. Ugh. Me and Mandy went to Pie Face again. They are everywhere. One didn’t have a lot to choose from, so we went to the other one around the corner, still in Queen
 Street Mall, and they had more of a selection. We “topped up” our Go Cards. Which is the card that you use to get on the bus and stuff. You load money on it and use it. When you put more money on it, they call it “topping up”. When you get on the bus, you have to “tap on”, which means to touch your card on the little scanner thingy, and when you get off you have to “tap off”. We rode the bus back to Urbanest. We were going to try and still make it to the Gold Coast that night, but we felt too rushed and Kyron would have to leave the next day. Then Josh would have to pick people up from the train station twice. So, we would just leave in the morning. Kyron was out with some coworkers that night. Emily came over to Urbanest, because they were having free dinner there. They had sausages and bread. That is a big thing here too. They said because it’s cheaper than buying hot dogs. I don’t know. 
But, it was like big sausages and you put it on white bread and put ketchup or whatever on it. I didn’t eat any of it because I am still trying to not eat red meat. It is really hard though. I don’t know how much longer I can go, because options are kind of limited. We hung out with all the people from Urbanest and stuff. Mandy calls them the “Urbanest Family”. Haha. These people will probably be the ones that I remember forever. I met some new people that night. I met a girl from New Jersey named Carly. She is Lilo, or Tazzy’s roommate. I also met this guy from Ireland named Mark, and some more Aussies. We all just sat around and chatted about the night before and all the fun that went down the night before. I started to get tired and wanted to go to bed, but I didn’t have the card to get up to the room. Kyron still had it. I had to wait on Kyron to get back. But, I thought someone might open the door if I knocked. So I went upstairs and knocked and Kyron’s new apartment mate opened the door. Thank God. I went to sleep after packing for the trip in the morning. We were just going to leave for the Gold Coast in the morning. 

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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