Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wrong Way, Art, and Possums

         I slept pretty well throughout the night. I took some cold medicine before going to bed and it was nighttime, so I guess it helped some. I woke up and Skyped my parents. My sister was there this time. It was really good to see them all. Kyron went to church and some other places, while I stayed at
Urbanest and looked for more houses. I ate some crackers, which I was so glad that my mom told me to pack! Haha. I talked to Haley on Facebook messaging. ESA had gone to St. Jude’s hospital in Memphis. Haley told Allison hi for me! Haley got RM in Green Quad! I’m so excited for her! I really hope that I get the PC position in Preston!! I’m kind of worried that I haven’t heard anything back from anyone. I emailed our RHD and the woman who emailed me about offering me a position in Bates for the spring semester, and asked them if there was any communication being sent out. I really hope they email back and maybe with good news! Mandy texted me and told me to meet her and Kyron at the Queen Street Mall. I got
dressed and got on the bus. I was a little confused about the bus situation, but thought I had it all handled. Once I started seeing signs for Gold Coast and that we were going far out from the city, I knew I wasn’t going the right way! Ahhh! I was scared it would just keep going and going! I didn’t even know that there was a stop button on the bus if you need to get off at a stop. We passed like 2 stops and I just thought the bus driver didn’t stop because there was no one there. He also didn’t stop because no one had pressed the button. Haha! I had to call Kyron and ask and eventually I rode my way back into the city and met them at the Cultural Center. We rode the ferry to this area called New Farm.
 There were beautiful city views again and the bridges and everything were wonderful. I took a lot of pictures. We went to this place called Powerhouse. It is like a bar and restaurant. There was a band playing on a big stage inside that apparently was local and a big deal. They were really young and punk. There was also an art gallery that we could go into. There were pictures and photo essays about events that happened in Australia. They were like journalistic photos and such. We rode the ferry back and Emily met us at back at South Bank. She told us about her new place she got. She got the really nice one that she wanted. It wasn’t the first one we looked at that was kind of dirty. She was actually in
competition with another guy for the room, but he wasn’t a student or anything and the lady gave it to Emily and would show him another one of her rooms. We ate at this place called Amici’s. It is an Italian restaurant and we got pizzas. There was a possum near where we were eating and it climbed up these poles beside the restaurant. The servers were feeding it. Their possums aren’t nearly as ugly as ours are. They are gray and look fuzzy. Almost fuzzy enough to want to pet! Also, some thing embarrassing happened. I got a nose bleed right in the middle of the restaurant. It was outside and I went to the bathroom, but I just don’t know. My body isn’t taking this change too well. I’ve always gotten nose
bleeds since I was young, because apparently I have a blood vessel exposed or something in my nose. I hope it doesn’t happen again. We left Emily at the Ferry and Kyron and Mandy got strawberries and chocolate at this chocolate place. It looked really good, but I just can’t be spending a lot of money. We walked back to Urbanest and I went to bed early again.

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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