Thursday, February 14, 2013

Accommodation, Lizards, and Chocolate

          I woke up a little bit earlier, not because my body made me, but because I had to. I had to confirm the appointment to see the room I am trying to get. I didn’t Skype my parents or anything. I’ll
still keep in touch, it just doesn’t have to be everyday. A little later, the people from the apartment called and said that they had to cancel because they guy who was showing it was sick. I would have to do it Wednesday at 3:45. I really wish I could have seen it! I want to get settled in and everything. Since that messed up my plans for the day, Kyron, Mandy, and I went to QUT Accommodation Services to try and find me help. There were a lot of people there. Kyron and Mandy left me there to search and I stayed there until they closed. I was
 looking at houses everywhere and the people there were really helpful and nice. I was kind of doing what I already had been doing, but got to ask questions. I left when they closed and walked to Queen Street Mall. I found my way there with some helpful directions from Kyron and Mandy. I don’t know when I am going to get used to this. Especially without a smart phone where I can just look it up. Mandy had already left to go to where we were eating at, but Kyron was there and me and him went to Target and some other places. He said he couldn’t really do much shopping because he likes to shop by himself. Haha. We took the bus back to South Bank and met Mandy at the pizza place. We came back to the same one, Amici’s, because they had told us that on Mondays it was $5 pizza night when you buy a drink! A pretty good deal! Mandy and Kyron had met some people while I was at QUT and they
came and ate with us. Emily came too. There were some Aussies and some people from the UK too. There was this girl from Tasmania and also this girl form Norway. All of them were very nice. The girl from Tasmania, Lilo, really liked my accent and said, “I just want to give you a story and let you read it!” Haha. While we were eating, more wildlife came around. This time it was big lizards. They are apparently like our lizards, but we don’t have any nearly as big as these! They are the kind you like see in the zoo and they were just running around everywhere! I felt like my nose was going to bleed again, but caught it early this time. I just don’t understand. We went to that chocolate shop again with Lilo and the girl form Norway, and this time I got a salted caramel milkshake. It was really good. Not cheap though.
 We all walked back to Urbanest and watched some Youtube videos downstairs. People needed Ibuprofen, so I’m glad I brought some. Kyron stayed up in his room and I joined him shortly because my ear started hurting me. I can’t take any more sickness! I had an earache and it felt like an ear infection. I made my bed, but had to wait until 11:30 pm to call Suntrust to set up my wire transfer. I didn’t have any way of calling though, because I usually would use Kyron’s Gmail phone, but he was asleep. I had to try and use Skype to call the toll free number and I could barely hear the girl on the other end. She was break up very bad, but I could understand that she was saying that I couldn’t do a wire transfer over the phone. I had to have some kind of pin! Ugh! They have told me like 5 different things. She said that someone had to go into a Suntrust branch and do it. So, I tried
calling my mom and had no way of calling her either, because she was at work. I just gave in and used my cell phone to call internationally, which probably cost a fortune. I called her work and her boss was surprised to hear from me. My mom thought that she was joking when she said that it was me calling. I tried to be quick, but my mom was having a hard time making out what I was saying with the numbers and all. I set an alarm after I got off the phone, so that I could call her in my morning time, her afternoon time, to see if everything went okay.

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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