Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hungry Jacks, and Internationals Out On the Town

          So, the house that I looked at definitely didn’t work out. I got an email saying that they were sorry, but that property was already taken, most likely by Rosannah. Oh well. You can only try. I searched a little more for houses and went to see another place that I had set up an inspection with the
 day before. It is in a suburb called Annerly, not too too far away from the school. Mandy came with me and we rode the bus to the place. We had a little bit of trouble finding it and I thought I was going to be really late, but with some help from Google Maps, we finally found our way there. The man was kind of friendly, but not very sociable. He showed me the room and it was okay. The house was kind of dirty too. I feel like people here just don’t care about stuff. The house was soooooo hot, because there wasn’t any air conditioning or anything. I was sweating so much. Gross. The washer for your clothes was downstairs under the house, like in the dirt and really gross. You even had to pay to do it! All in all, I don’t think that was the one. It was the right price, but not the right fit. We thanked the man and started our way back. We stopped and ate at Hungry Jacks before we got on the bus. Hungry Jacks is the exact same thing as burger king in the states. That’s so funny. The only thing is, it isn’t as economical. You don’t even get fries and a drink included. That’s extra! But it was the first place that I had seen with a soda dispenser for refills. That’s a plus. Most places don’t give you free refills. Crazy! We rode back to South Bank and Urbanest. I looked for more houses and found some really cool looking studio apartments. They included like the kitchen and everything! It was just the right price too. I called a bunch of places and left them messages. I hope they call me back. Kyron got back from work and we hung out with some of his roommates and talked for a while. They were having some kind of 
speed dating thing downstairs here. It was like a “get to know each other” type thing though. One of Kyron’s apartment mates, Josh, who works at Urbanest, was helping run it. We never went though. Mandy texted us and said that they were going out into the city to a club. We heard a lot of people were going. Me and Kyron went downstairs with our Aussie friend Aaron from the Gold Coast. He was hanging out with his roommate who is from Virginia. There were also some girls from Canada and a girl from Arizona. They were going out too. So me and Kyron got ready and went downstairs to where everyone was hanging out. Everyone was chilling everywhere and having fun. We left, shortly after going downstairs, with our big group of people. We walked all the way there. We probably should have taken a bus, but someone decided it would be a good idea to walk there. The girl from Arizona even had heels on, bless her heart. We finally got there and IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! We were dancing everywhere and it was amazing! Me and the girl from Tasmania, Lilo, had a circle at one point and were dancing in the middle and everyone was cheering. Haha. It was great. After a long night of dancing, I was sweating so much and just ready to go to bed. We walked all the way back to Urbanest. It felt like it took forever. We got split up from the rest of the group, with half going one way and half going another. Emily, who was staying with Mandy because the buses don’t run that late and she couldn’t just walk back to where she lives in Toowong, had to wait on Mandy and their group to get back, so we waited with her. We went upstairs and I crashed. It had been a long day, but so much fun!

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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