Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sushi, Spray Paint, and Bats

         I actually didn’t wake up that much that night. I made myself sleep until 10 am again. I called my
 parents and talked to them on Skype. I got to talk to my sister, but she was just on the phone because she was with her friend. She didn’t have her phone with her when I had tried to call her the day before. Kyron left the room and went place while I was still looking for houses. I set up to see a house on Monday. It was the right price and in a good location. I am trying to find cheap places that are in a good location, but not ridiculously gross. Everything is just so expensive. I set up my bank account online with ANZ. I found out that I can’t directly transfer funds from my Suntrust account into my Australian account. I will have to wire money on Monday into my account and it is going to cost $30.  I have to call at 8 am EST, which
is 11 pm here on Monday. Mandy texted me and told me to meet her and Emily downstairs to Queen Street Mall. That is where I got my phone and everything and there are a lot of shops and eating-places around that area. They both have gone to the beach since being here. I want to go soon. It is the man made beach at South Bank, but there is sand and everything and it is right by the river. It is practically a beach and so cool! We met Kyron at a sushi place. It wasn’t that expensive and the food was pretty good. We saw this guy doing a spray paint picture. It is so cool how they can get so much detail with little stencils and brushes with the paint. And right in the middle of the street! There was a guy with a ball that looked like it was floating. I’ve seen those on T.V. before and I think its called a Wonder Ball or something. We went to The Reject Store Again to get some
 cheap stuff. I got this cheap soda there. It is kind of like lemon soda and I had paid $3 and something for a single one the day before, but it was $1.75 for a 2 liter there! After that, we parted ways with Emily and rode the bus back to Urbanest. It was from a platform that is under ground below the Queens Street Mall. It is pretty cool. Back at Urbanest, Kyron cleaned his place a little bit, getting some bugs out of the lights and stuff. Kyron’s apartment mate Josh was there and we all talked some more about differences from here and the US. There are huge bats here everywhere! They fly like right over us and even are in the trees close to you when you walk home. They were flying outside and Josh tried to tell me that they were foxes, not bats, but I didn’t believe that. He was trying to pull one over on me. Haha. We were listening to music in their kitchen common area and Kyron was still cleaning. Kyron saw a
spider and freaked! It was a small spider too, so it could have been deadly! He dropped it from the cardboard he had and I tried to stomp over in the area it fell (with shoes on, of course), but it was really hard to see. I hope I killed it! Kyron said, “If your stomping didn’t kill it, the vibrations sure did.” Nice. Haha. Josh had cooked this curry stuff form sausages that were left over from a free barbecue they do every week. I didn’t eat any because I am trying not to eat red meat. I went to be early that night.

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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