Tuesday, February 5, 2013


While I sit in the airport waiting to board my plane, I get time to think back on what has happened in my life so far and what has led me to this point. During my time abroad, I hope to learn a lot about myself and be able to communicate these things better. I want to be free while I am abroad and try all new things. I don’t want to let anything hold me back.
While I can do this in Australia, it takes some steps here in America. I plan to write letters to those who are currently in my life and have been in the past. I plan to forgive and forget, to move on, and to not allow the past to prevent me from moving on in the future. A lot has happened these past few years with friends and also family. I plan to try and address each of these people personally. I also plan to thank those who are in my life now and all that they do for me. It will include memories, experiences, and how I truly feel about some of the things that have happened. Maybe with opening the channels of communications, we can both be at peace, and continue to thrive.
I guess it’s kind of like a spiritual burden that has been on my heart. I also plan to become closer to God. I have found that my faith has wavered and God is something that I want to move to the forefront. Maybe if I can do this, I can live a better life for him and myself.
Physically, I want to change too. I’m going to go ahead and say it; I’ve gotten fat again. And this isn’t something that is atypical. Most people who lose weight will gain that weight back after one year. Yep, its true, and I am living proof. No matter how many times you say, “That won’t happen”, or “I wont let that happen”, there is always that chance. I hope to change for myself and become who I want to be.
I want to be a strong, mentally and physically, intelligent, thriving young man in todays society. If I can take these steps, I think that things will get better and my future will be clearer. For the time being though, I’ve got to board the plane and get ready to do all of this stuff! I’m ready to get started and ready for this change!

                                                                                                      Until next time,

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